Dan Wang
Dan Wang, Professor, supported by the Chongqing Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars
Email: dwang@cqu.edu.cn
Dr. Dan Wang has worked as an Professor in Chemical Engineering at Chongqing University since Sep. 2011. She obtained her PhD in 2011 at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She worked as a Research Associate at Rice University, USA, from 2013 to 2015. She worked as a visting scholar in MIT and Whitehead Institute in 2018. She was selected as the Young Scientist by IUPAC. She has published more than 90 papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals including Metabolic Engineering, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Bioresource Technology.
Selected Paper:
[1] Zhao Qin, Dan Wang*, Ruoshi Luo, Tinglan Li, Xiaochao Xiong, Peng Chen. Using unnatural protein fusions to engineer a co-enzyme self-sufficiency system for D-phenyllactic acid biosynthesis. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2021, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.795885 ( IF=5.890)
[2] Lin Quan, Yingwu Yang, Yanmei Wang, Ke Ding, Yong-Zhong Wang*, Dan Wang*. Characteristics of SSSF of rice straw and mass transfer of ethanol in a granular packed bed with N2 sparging. Biochem. Eng. J, 2021, 552: 170-175.(IF=3.978)
[3] Ruoshi Luo, Zhao Qin, Dan Zhou, Dan Wang*, Ge Hu, Zhiguo Su, Suojiang Zhang. Coupling the fermentation and membrane separation process for polyamides monomer cadaverine production from feedstock lysine. Eng. Life Sci., 2021, doi.org/10.1002/elsc.202000099.(IF=2.678)
[4] Jie Cheng*, Wenying Tu, Ruiqi Cao, Xinghua Gou, Yin Zhang, Dan Wang, Qiang Li*, High-effiency production of 5-aminovalerate in engineered Escherichia coli controlled by an anaerobically-induced nirB promoter. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co., 2021, 552, 170-175.(IF=3.575)
[5] Jie Cheng*, Wenying Tu, Zhou Luo, Xinghua Gou, Qiang Li, Dan Wang*, Jingwen Zhou*, A high-efficiency artificial synthetic pathway for 5-aminovalerate production from biobased L-lysine in Escherichia coli. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2021, doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2021.633028.(IF=5.890)
[6] Hong Wang, Yang Su, Dan Wang, Saimeng Jin, Shun’an Wei, Weifeng Shen*. Optimal Design and Energy-Saving Investigation of the Triple CO2 Feeds for Methanol Production System by Combining Steam and Dry Methane Reforming. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59: 1596-1606.(IF=3.375)
[7] Yanqin Xu, Liyue Xiao, Yating Chang, Yuan Cao, Changguo Chen, Dan Wang*. 2020.pH and Redox Dual-Responsive MSN-S-S-CS as a Drug Delivery System in Cancer Therapy. Materials, 2020, 13: 1279.(IF=3.424)
[8] Yanqin Xu, Jie Liu, Shumin Guan, Yuan Cao*, Changguo Chen*, Dan Wang*. 2020. A dual pH and redox-responsive Ag/ AgO/carboxymethyl chitosan composite hydrogel for controlled dual drug delivery. J. Biomat. Sci.-Polyme. 2020, 31: 1706-1721(IF=2.718)
[9] Yanqin Xu, Dan Zhou, Ruoshi Luo, Xizhi Yang, Baosheng Wang, Xiaochao Xiong, Weifeng Shen, Qinhong Wang, Dan Wang*. 2020. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for polyamides monomerδ-valerolactam production from feedstock lysine. Appl. Micorbiol. Biotechnol.2020,10.1007/s00253-020-10939-8(IF=4.813)
[10] Jie Cheng, Ge Hu, Yanqin Xu, Michael P. Torrens-Spence, Xiaohua Zhou, Dan Wang*, Jing-Ke Weng*, Qinhong Wang*. 2019. Production of nonnatural straight-chain amino acid 6-aminocaproate via an artificial iterative carbon-chain-extension cycle. Metab. Eng. 2019,55: 23-32. (*IF=9.808) http://www.most.gov.cn/gnwkjdt/201907/t20190715_147700.htm
[11] Meihua Huang, Jie Cheng, Peng Chen, Gaowei Zheng, Dan Wang* and Yuanliang Hu*. 2019. Efficient production of succinic acid in engineered Escherichia coli strains controlled by anaerobically-induced nirB promoter using sweet potato waste hydrolysate. J. Environ. Manag. 2019,237: 147-154. (*IF=6.647)
[12] Jie Cheng, Yining Zhang, Meihua Huang, Peng Chen, Xiahua Zhou, Dan Wang*, Qinhong Wang*. 2018. Enhanced 5-aminovalerate production in Escherichia coli from L-lysine with ethanol and hydrogen peroxide addition. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 2018,93: 3492-3501. (*IF=3.659)
[13] Jie Cheng, Yuding Huang, Le Mi, Wujiu Chen, Dan Wang*, Qinhong Wang*. 2018. An economically and environmentally acceptable synthesis of chiral drug intermediate L-pipecolic acid from biomass-derived lysine via artificially engineered microbes. J. Ind. Microbiool. Biotechnol. 2018,45: 405-415. (*IF=3.99)
[14] Jie Cheng, Pen Chen, Andong Song, Dan Wang*, Qinhong Wang*. 2018. Expanding lysine industry: industrial biomanufacturing of lysine and its derivatives. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2018,45: 719-734. (IF=3.99)